Shaping Schools, Shaping Lives: Transformation Through Environment

Shaping Schools, Shaping Lives: Transformation Through Environment

The Power of Physical Environments “We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us,” asserted Sir Winston Churchill. Andrew L. Ross, Gary Grenier, and Frank Kros, transformational education experts, echo this sentiment in their book, Creating The Upside...
From Fainting to Flying: A Short Story

From Fainting to Flying: A Short Story

Gusts of wind chill the University of West Chester’s campus on a winter morning, but the dorms provide a cozy spot away from the rawness of the weather. Inside one of these dorms sits a smiling Allie Short, first year student at WCU, former student of The Lincoln...
Music Is “Key” to Education

Music Is “Key” to Education

Music is an integral part of education because it offers an outlet for being creative and expressive without fear of judgement. Music has also been proven to have a multitude of positive effects, including reducing stress and increasing happiness. Providing musical...