Posts by cjohnson
Channeling Your Inner Jedi: 10 Star Wars Quotes on Harnessing the Power of Intention
Most of us who were born in the last half-century have a Star Wars memory (or ten) from our youth: light saber wars in the backyard, dressing up as our favorite characters for Halloween, or “using the Force” to open…Read More
Spring Cleaning for the Mind: The Empowering Effects of Decluttering
A clear and open space makes room for a clear and open mind. According to Dr. Emma Gray, a clinical psychologist, “Clutter can cause anxiety, depression, and even physical pain. Decluttering can improve the functioning of our brains and help…Read More
Getting Grounded for Earth Day: 5 Easy Ways to Create Calm and Connection
In addition to hosting Earth Day, April is also Stress Awareness Month, and a wonderful way to honor both is through a stress-relieving technique called “grounding.” Combatting the internal and environmental noise and frenetic mayhem that defines daily life, grounding…Read More
Teaching Kids Financial Responsibility: Practical Tips for Every Age
Although some states (Pennsylvania included) require financial literacy to be taught in public schools, children’s understanding of money largely begins and develops at home. Parents can help foster financial literacy with the following tips and resources, which can make learning…Read More
Humor Me: The Surprising Link Between Laughter and Resilience
In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, resilience—the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties – is an invaluable human skill. Thankfully, healthy resilience is not just about building mental toughness and grit. Making room for more laughter in daily…Read More
Belonging Stops the Bully: 4 Lessons from the Savannah
If you’ve ever watched a wildlife documentary, you’re familiar with some of the hunting tactics used by predators and the dynamics existing between predator and prey. Observing predator-prey dynamics can help to illustrate parallels between the natural instincts of predators,…Read More
Kindness in the Classroom: Kind Conflict Resolution
“If conflict is a normal, natural part of life, it’s really important to look at how we deal with it.” – Ann McKnight This final post in our “Kindness in the Classroom” series culminates with a brief look at how…Read More
Waving Back: 3 Wholehearted Ways to Build Connection
Genuine connection is one of the things human beings crave the most – yet the fear of rejection often keeps us from taking the risks necessary to find the connection we long for. Brad Platt’s song “Waving Through the Window”…Read More
Helping Students Master Decision-Making: 4 Simple Questions
Students often struggle with making meaningful decisions. If they lack a simple framework to help them make decisions, everyday life can become increasingly frustrating and students may find themselves making hasty choices that cause other problems and limit their options…Read More
Top 5 TED Talks for School Counselors
School counselors have borne the brunt of much of the turbulence experienced in education over the last few years. These five TED Talks speak to some of the biggest challenges school counselors face and offer tools and insights you may…Read More
Kindness in the Classroom: Facilitating Student-to-Student Kindness
Sixty seconds before they step into the classroom, students are gearing up to engage. How are they preparing themselves for the vulnerability required to master new skills or to make mistakes in front of their peers? To respond to challenges…Read More
Four Powerful Ways Parents Can Express Love to Their Kids
“Deep within us—no matter who we are—there lives a feeling of wanting to be lovable…And the greatest thing we can do is to let people know that they are loved and capable of loving.” — From The World According To…Read More