Violence Intervention & Prevention

The Violence Intervention & Prevention Program (VIPP), launched in 2023, is a new partnership between TLC and Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic. This grant-funded initiative emerged from a growing systemic need to address the increasing rates of gun and community violence throughout Pennsylvania.

VIPP is a hospital and community-linked violence intervention and prevention program that aims to tackle the critical issues of gun and community violence. The program provides a wide range of counseling and resources to those affected by violence, reducing traumatic stress and future violence involvement to create safer communities by breaking the cycle of violence.

The intervention efforts will also address prevention by focusing on reducing recidivism with further injury and retaliation among individuals, as well as their families and friends who are exposed to violence.


Our Model

Based upon evidence-based programs, VIPP employs trained violence intervention clinicians and specialists. This team utilizes assertive outreach and crisis response strategies, community resources and peer supports, and trauma-informed therapy and case management. The VIPP provides:

  • Immediate response to gun and other forms of community violence.
  • Comprehensive clinical crisis assessments.
  • Short-term (up to one year of support) therapeutic and case management solutions, based on case by case circumstances.
  • Referrals to community-based providers.

Our Objectives

VIPP is not just a response program; rather it is a transformative effort with clear objectives:

  • Create and implement a community-wide collaborative approach to counteract gun and group violence.
  • Provide individuals affected by violence with crisis response, trauma-focused therapy, and case management. Our network includes local emergency departments and mobile crisis units spanning Bucks, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties.
  • Establish a strong bridge connecting violence-exposed individuals to essential long-term services that cater to their core needs.
  • Envision and realize a future where traumatic stress and repeated exposure to violence are significantly diminished, fostering safer communities.
  • Build a lasting safety net of support for individuals in each community served.

About Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic

Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic is a Regional Health System that includes Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital in Darby, Pa.; Nazareth Hospital in Northeast Philadelphia; Saint Francis Hospital in Wilmington, Del.; and St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, Pa. These entities include hospitals, associated clinics, medical offices, specialized facilities, affiliated institutions and foundations serving together in the spirit of the Gospel as a compassionate and transforming healing presence within their communities. PACE (Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly) and home health programs also are offered through Trinity Health. Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic is a member of Trinity Health, one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation.

Program Contact

For more information, please contact our Violence Intervention Clinical Supervisor:

Tyreese Mayo
[email protected]