Waving Back: 3 Wholehearted Ways to Build Connection

Waving Back: 3 Wholehearted Ways to Build Connection

Genuine connection is one of the things human beings crave the most – yet the fear of rejection often keeps us from taking the risks necessary to find the connection we long for. Brad Platt’s song “Waving Through the Window” vividly describes this internal conflict:...
Gaming and the Evolving Classroom

Gaming and the Evolving Classroom

by Cathrin Myburgh and Michael Venzke While technological advances have brought transformative innovations, certain critics don’t tend to think of video games as one of them: For them, at best, video games are waste of time, and at worst, they promote dangerous values...
From Fainting to Flying: A Short Story

From Fainting to Flying: A Short Story

Gusts of wind chill the University of West Chester’s campus on a winter morning, but the dorms provide a cozy spot away from the rawness of the weather. Inside one of these dorms sits a smiling Allie Short, first year student at WCU, former student of The Lincoln...